Location: Masonic Temple, 7 High Street, Andover, Massachusetts. Free parking in the adjacent lot.
Join us as we kick off the 2021-2022 year.
The Scottish Rite Masons of the Valley of the Merrimack will present “The Interview,” a one-act Masonic play starring Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram King of Tyre, and Hiram Abif. This play is a must-see for Master Masons who would like to know more about the legendary early days of Masonry. Don’t miss this year’s performance. The play is open only to Master Masons, but the rest of the evening is open to guests.
The play will be followed by a grilled chicken dinner prepared by Lisa Blackburn. Dinner will be $15 for members of the Valley and there will be no charge for guests.
After dinner, there will be a presentation of honors to HGAs, Past Heads, recent MSAs, and our newest 33rd Degree Mason. The new Deputy for Massachusetts, Illustrious George R. Hamilton, 33, will be in attendance to assist with the presentation.
If you know any Master Mason interested in the Scottish Rite, please invite him or them to this event.
Reservations are a must to ensure all are properly accommodated. Contact Junior Wardens Donald Walker drwamcross@aol.com or Adam Puchalski adampuchalski@yahoo.com.