5:30 P.M. Social and Mentoring Program
6:30 P.M. Open Merrimack Valley Lodge of Perfection and Zion Council Princes of Jerusalem.
Election of Officers
Vote on By-Law Change. See Notice.
Installation of Officers
7:00 P.M. Dinner
8:00 P.M. Thursday Night at the Rite. Presentation of 25th Degree (Video)
Open to all Scottish Rite Masons
Reservations must be made with one of the Junior Wardens, Bro. Donald R. Walker, 32° 781-640-6848, drwamcross@aol.com or Bro. Adam J. Puchalski, 32° 978-914-7836, adampuchalski@yahoo.com Please make reservations by May 9, 2022.